FACT: Research shows that diets are proven to fail long term (~5-10 years post start of the diet). The research that shows weight loss diets “working” is all conducted within the 5 years time or less.

Why do diets not work?

Well, first of all, your body is WAYYY smarter than any diet program. Your body recognizes “oh crap, I’m not getting enough energy; there is a limited amount of food…guess I should slow things down.”

You’re body doesn’t know the different between purposeful restriction and unintentional /environmental restrictions. And let’s be real, it all has the same outcome of reducing the body’s ability to repair, move, think, grow, and heal.

Now you’re probably thinking “okay, great, what do I do now?”

Eat like you did as a young child. Eat in a way that respects your physical and emotional needs. Become attuned with your body, listen to it, and nourish it.

If you feel really detached from with body’s needs, that okay. You’re not alone.

Working with an ED-informed or intuitive eating specialist can be really helpful in rebuilding a healthy relationship with food.

Note: this post is not meant to replace individualized healthcare recommends. Information has been simplified for the purpose of making a brief post.