“My kid is such a picky eater! I’m afraid they arent getting enough.”

Ever heard or said this phrase? Or perhaps you’ve said it before. It’s common for kids to go through a picky eating phase when they’re young. But….

How do you know when it becomes TOO PICKY?

  • they become emotionally distressed when told to have a food they dislike (e.g. crying, screaming, running away from table, etc)

  • they’re gagging on foods they don’t like

  • they will only eat VERY specific foods

  • their variety is severally limited

  • they aren’t growing sufficiently

This isn’t a diagnostic list but it gives an idea of the difference between simple food preferences and a type of disorder eating, called Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID).

ARFID is typically first noticed in young children and can persist into adulthood if not addressed.

It frequently includes severe texture, taste, smell, and temperature preferences, resulting in a very limited diet and anxiety around food.

How to approach treatment?

  • Work with a trained ED-informed dietitian or therapist that provide in-person sessions

  • they will likely have your child do controlled food exposures with feared / disliked foods

  • these food exposures will likely need to be replicated and repeated at home

  • understand that these feared / disliked food may be very distressing for your child… AND that don’t mean they can’t grow distress tolerance to them

Interested in treatment? Message us through our website portal!