
By: Andrew Hopkins, PA-C


What is Obsessive-compulsive Disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a mental illness characterized by the presence of obsessions, compulsions, or both.

What are obsessions?

Obsessions are defined as recurrent and intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that causes anxiety or distress. Obsessions are not perceived as enjoyable, nor are they voluntary. Those with OCD attempt to ignore, avoid, or suppress these unwanted and disturbing thoughts. They aim to neutralize or mitigate the distress that obsessions cause through compulsions.

What are compulsions?

Compulsions are repetitive mental or behavioral acts that the individual feels driven to perform, either in relation to an obsession or according to rules he or she believes must be applied rigidly or to achieve a sense of “completeness”. These are often referred to as “rituals”, and include acts such as repetitive washing or checking.

Do I need to experience both obsessions AND compulsions to have OCD?

No, people with OCD can experience obsessions, compulsions, or both. However, the majority of people with OCD often have both.1,2 It is currently unclear whether obsessions lead to compulsions, or compulsions lead to obsessions.3,4

Who can develop OCD?

It is estimated that there is a 2.3% lifetime prevalence.5,6 In adults, women may be slightly more likely to develop OCD compared to men.6,7 Those with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective disorder, Bipolar disorder, Eating disorders, or Tourette’s disorder appear to experience OCD at a higher frequency than the general population.8-10 The typical age on onset is around 19.5,6  It is unusual to develop OCD after the age of 35.11 Symptoms typically begin gradually over time, but sudden-onset can sometimes occur.

What is the cause of OCD?

There is no known specific cause for OCD. Current evidence suggests it is a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurobiological factors.

How might OCD manifest?

The frequency and severity of symptoms can vary from person to person, varying from mild, minimally interfering symptoms, to severe, incapacitating symptoms. The symptoms often adhere to a “theme’. Some themes include:

  • Cleaning.  Fears of contamination and repetitive cleaning.
  • Symmetry.  Symmetry obsessions and repeating, ordering, and counting compulsions.
  • Taboo thoughts.  Aggressive, sexual, or religious obsessions and related compulsions.

Avoidance behavior is common in OCD. People with OCD may often avoid people, places, or things which may trigger obsessions and/or compulsions. An example of this may be av oidance of public bathrooms for people who have contamination obsessions.

Those with OCD may impose rules on family members because of their symptoms. For example, family members may not be allowed to have visitors to the home for fear of contamination. High levels of family accomodations is often associated with poorer treatment outcomes, high family burden, and poorer quality of life among family members.

May people with OCD experience dysfunctional beliefs, such as:

  • Inflated responsibility and tendency to overestimate threat
  • Perfectionism and intolerance of uncertainty
  • Overvaluing the importance of thoughts and the need to control thoughts

Those with OCD may have varying levels of insight into their symptoms. If an individual recognizes that their OCD beliefs are definitely or probably untrue, then this represents good insight. Contrary, if a person thinks their OCD beliefs are true, this signifies low or poor insight.

Why should I be concerned about my OCD?

OCD is associated with a reduced quality of life as well as high levels of social and occupational impairment.12-14 Those with OCD can spend a significant amount of daily time obsessing and acting on compulsions. Frequent avoidance of triggers can result in reduced functioning and ability to satisfy daily needs including eating, bathing, and working. There is a strong link between suicidal thoughts and behaviors and OCD.15

Should I seek treatment?

Without treatment, the likelihood of symptom remission is poor. Remission rates were as low as 20% in patients who went untreated.16  

What treatment options are available for OCD?

Treatment options for OCD include medication and psychotherapy. It is often effective to combine medication and psychotherapy for best outcome.

There is considerable evidence supporting the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, for the treatment of OCD.17,18  CBT is typically delivered in a structured program, consisting of: Psychoeducation, cognitive training, mapping OCD, graded exposure and response prevention (ERP), and relapse prevention and generalization training. A patient’s adherence to practicing exposure therapy is one of the strongest predictors for both immediate and long-term outcomes.19-21 CBT is typically considered the first-line treatment when available.

In addition to CBT, or where CBT is unavailable, there are a number of evidence-based medications for OCD. Two classes of antidepressants (SSRI’s and TCA’s) are strongly supported by randomized clinical trials. These medications are generally considered safe, but should be prescribed and monitored under the supervision of a Psychiatrist or Psychiatric Physician Assistant.

Does Potomac Behavioral Solutions offer treatment for OCD?

Yes! If you are suffering from OCD, or are unsure about whether or not you have OCD, consider Potomac Behavioral Solutions as your first step in treatment. Our clinicians can help assess and detail your symptoms history and clarify your concerns. We offer comprehensive treatment for OCD, including medication, CBT and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). To gain further information on what OCD treatment would consist of, call (571) 257-3378 today.


Work Cited:

  1. Foa EB, Kozak MJ, Goodman WK, et al. DSM-IV field trial: obsessive-compulsive disorder. Am J Psychiatry 1995; 152:90.

  2. Shavitt RG, de Mathis MA, Oki F, et al. Phenomenology of OCD: lessons from a large multicenter study and implications for ICD-11. J Psychiatr Res 2014; 57:141.

  3. Gillan CM, Robbins TW. Goal-directed learning and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2014; 369.

  4. Kalanthroff E, Abramovitch A, Steinman SA, et al. The chicken or the egg: What drives OCD. J Obsessive Compuls Relat Disord 2016; 11:9.

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